Friday, March 4, 2011

Does Cinnamon Cause Ha

Spring Break: Back next Friday

Ontario Question About Trailer Registration

Malay school

Two professors have been killed in Normandy since January. The debate on working conditions is restarted.
" Since early January, the only academy in Caen, many people have personal or teachers end their lives or have attempted to do . Speaking in a letter to Education Minister Luc Chatel, high school teachers Charles Tellier Condé-sur-Noireau (Calvados) mention the suicide of a colleague in early February. But also the death in mid-January, a teacher from the area of Granville (Manche) and the attempted suicide of a service agent a school that Caen had raised "significant issues with hierarchy ," according to Michel Lelarge, a representative of the union South.
Teachers know that " it is necessary to separate things in such a tragedy, between work and private life " moderates Jean-Marie Thomine, social worker staff in Calvados. The Ministry of Education states: "Without it is possible to establish a connection with working conditions, 52 suicides were recorded between 2008 and 2009 on a population of 850 000 teachers, 6 suicides per 100 000 teachers . In 2001, according to the same source, this proportion was 30 per 100 000 among police officers. Figures that the unions are demanding locally " for years, but without success ," laments Mary Sylvian, county secretary of the FSU in Calvados.

Beyond the tragedies that affect families and teams, teachers wonder about the job cuts, the meaning of their work, the evolution of their business, paperwork still heavier .. . "We are asked culture of performance, with less people, less equipment. It is not rewarding , "says a teacher from the English Channel. He acknowledged the difficulties of the profession " to fit in the gloom " and " need to empty his bag, sometimes with aggression in internal meetings." The rector of Caen
" not deny the discomfort " but makes no further comment. The Department of Education, which employs nearly 2,800 social workers are reminded that the committees on health and safety will soon enter the working conditions and psychosocial risks. Some 80 doctors prevention should be recruited. Luc Chatel his observations on the morale of teachers in the coming days.

( source: Ouest-France, March 4, 2011)

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Ultimate Ispyfor Paper City

Education is a fundamental right

Luc Chatel said today that there are giant posters of the Declaration on the Rights of Man and Citizen of 1789 would be sent to every school and college in France and Navarre to be "sustainable arranged in each classroom " so that " students can immerse themselves daily values of this founding text . It would have been inspired attaching a copy of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1948 that recalled:
- in its Article 2 that "everyone is entitled all rights and freedoms of all (.. .) without distinction as to race, color, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status "
- in its article 26 that" everyone has right to education. Education shall be free, at least in the elementary and fundamental stages. Elementary education is compulsory. Technical and professional education shall be made generally available and higher education shall be equally accessible to all on the basis of merit ".
- and that" education shall be directed to the full development of human personality and strengthen respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms. It shall promote understanding, tolerance and friendship among all nations and all racial or religious .
But it was too much honor to politics surreptitiously revived national identity through a pseudo-stupid debate on "Secularism " and the educational policy of widespread destruction of the school led by our dear minister.