Thursday, April 22, 2010

Funny To Kick Guys In The Balls -yahoo


Symposium Develop RCW

a challenge for agriculture,

a challenge for training

The Ecole Nationale de Formation Agronomique de Toulouse-Auzeville organizes on 17 and 18 June 2010, the conference "Developing Ramial Wood Fragmented: a challenge for agriculture, a challenge for training."

Cultural practices by implementing innovative RCW arouse interest among educators, a scientific perspective, technique and its application in the professional capacity, and the forestry sector, the management of green spaces ...

Emergence these practices also queries ANFE as an institution which aims to train teachers in agricultural schools. Indeed, issues of training for these new practices are bound to arise eventually.

Conference Theme:

The "Fragmented Ramial Wood (RCW) are shredded green branches or twigs of young people, to the soil to improve fertility. The purpose of the symposium is to establish an interim update on new techniques related to BRF, through exchanges between practitioners and included contributions from specialists with a concern extension of RCW, especially to the agricultural and parks, and communities.

This symposium is open to a wide audience: farmers and foresters, local officials, teachers and researchers, Agricultural consultants and development workers, students ... 20 places for trainees enrolled in the French program of continuing education for the PRB