OBJECT : engineering and project development, from local to international, in any field, with and for all age groups (...) in compliance with laws (national, international, ...).
CONTACT: Tel / Fax / Ans: 33. (0) - GSM: 33. (0) - Apaches at laposte.net - association.apaches at gmail.com -
http://apaches1.blogspot.com (association)
http://planetere.blogspot.com (create a link in world humanity)
http://freeexpression1.blogspot.com (free speech without moderation)
http://freexpression1.blogspot.com (free moderate expression)
http://annonceur.blogspot.com (individual listings)
http://idpro1.blogspot . com (engineering and project development)
http://creaction1.blogspot.com (support and promotion of creativity in all its forms)
http://consommaction.blogspot.com (eating sensibly)
http://proechang.blogspot.com (exchanges between professionals)
http://enjeu.blogspot.com (Children and Youth, the theory ...)
http://enjeu1.blogspot.com (childhood and youth, to practice ...)
http://parenthese1.blogspot.com (parents. ..)
http://lobbycitoyen. blogspot.com (guided and moderate expression)
http://agendamap.blogspot.com (agenda Mediterranean Atlantic Pyrenees)
http://mipyloisirs.blogspot.com (recreation in Midi-Pyrenees)
http : / / mipyanimation.blogspot.com (animation in Midi-Pyrenees)
http://mipycovoiturage.blogspot.com (carpooling in Midi-Pyrenees)
http://mipytransport.blogspot.com (transit in Midi-Pyrenees)
http://linformationlocale.blogspot.com (International: Online and local: print)
http://stclar.blogspot.com (in the Apache village)
http://stclarcentredeloisirs.blogspot.com (Leisure Centre in St Clar)
http://saintclar.blogspot.com (village life)
To avoid we do not get any recovery, voluntarily, no subsidy and our statutes are locked. The money comes exclusively from the association's activity. This independence enables the Apache to position / speak freely without fear of backlash and not be compelled to participate in / endorse the opaque and elitist system of public financing in France.
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