Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Hymen Where Is It What Does It Look Like

A precursors in France! The Magic of

Hello everyone!

It's back and it starts with a great news! Indeed, we lucky and honored, for two weeks, one of the largest precursor BRF with nearly 30 years of experience in this field. These Jacques Hebert.

Edgar Guay, in the mid 70's, discovering a huge strawberry pile of chips in a distillery Pine Ave have sensed it was going something in the soil. He then appealed, among other , Jacques Hebert who worked at that time the Ministry of Forestry.

Jacques then experimented in his garden RCW to finally start his own business in 1982:

" perennial gardens "

He has developed different techniques to those proposed by the University Laval. These methods s'inscriven t in a set of practices and arrangements that can promote biodiversity, protections and synergies

- hedges, walls, ponds, isolated trees ...
- mulch (mulch) anywhere on the field BRF fee
- mounds (flat raised beds)
- RCW pre-composted
- a maximum of perennial
- ...

RCW pre-compost is produced in two months at low temperature and without watering. We can not therefore speak of composting. It is used only the first year mixed with soil for climbing hills. Then he enough that adding a light mulch BRF fees every year or so.

Jacques worked with branches of 5 cm in diameter and 100% hardwood (angiosperms).

I personally visited the gardens in June 2005 and I was blown away by harmony and balance that prevail there. The floors feel so good forest ! It is therefore with great joy I welcome eu q and organizes the coming of who opened my eyes to the scope phenomena RCW to share all his knowledge and results.

To learn a little more, here's a downloadable text:

Here is the program that covers 10 dates, mostly in the west of France ...

Saturday 27 to Tuesday, September 30
Val de Marne (94) Ile de France
At the Hague Roses (County Park Rose Garden )
and Choisy le Roi (Théâtre Paul Eluard)

Organized by the SFA (French Society of Arboriculture) and the General Council of Val de Marne in the framework of "National Meetings Arboricultural"

Saturday 27 and Sunday, September 28 10h / 18h
Stand on the BRF animation from 10 to 18 at Park Rose Garden at The Hague Roses

Free admission

Tuesday, October 30 .
Lecture / discussion at the conference "A tree policy, 20 years after" Choisy le Roi, Théâtre Paul Eluard.

Entry 180 euros, professional public

Contact: Bénédicte Colcanap (Coordinator, responsible for developing ACS) 06 68 19 10 January Development (at) Marc Staszewski (Head of Project GC Val Marne and manager of the conference) 06 07 16 19 33 marc.staszewski (at)

Wednesday, October 1
Paris (75) Ile de France
Au Bois de Vincennes at the Ecole du Breuil and Parc Floral

Organised by the Botanical Garden of the city of Paris (Auteuil, Bagatelle Floral Park, Ecole du Breuil)

Morning: Presentation and discussion at the amphitheater at the Ecole du Breuil for agents of management areas and the environment of the city of Paris.
Afternoon: Visit the Parc Floral and exchanges with officials of the park's plant collections (four seasons garden perennial, iris, peonies, ferns ...)

Admission free, professional audience only.

Contact: Vincent Lipa (AM horticultural, Assistant Curator of the Botanical Garden of the City of Paris) 01 40 71 76 05 vincent.lipa (at) / portal / Parks / Portal.lut? page_id = 8354

Thursday, October 2
Ille et Vilaine (35) Brittany
Laillé A (room Item 21)

Organised by the combination BASIC (British Agriculture Soil Environment), antenna APAD (Association for the Promotion of Sustainable Agriculture)

at 1:30 p.m. Laillé room Item 21, route de Guichen
14h: Presentation and RCW work Hebert J
16h: Presentation of results BASIC in the use of BFI in large crops
4:30 p.m.: Questions and discussion
5:15 p.m.: Visit a plot if weather and / or testimony of farmers who used the BRF

Input 20 € for the afternoon, 10 € for members of BASE, unemployed and Welfare beneficiaries ( receipts on the spot)

Contacts and registration: Florence Riaud, the cross Pigeard, 35580 base.floriaud Lassy (at)
42 February 1999 Konrad Schreiber June 8 (at) aliceadsl . com 06 77 96 05 26

Friday, October 3
Loire Atlantique (44) Pays de la Loire A
Guémené Penfao (State Forest Nursery)

Organized by CNBF (Conservatoire National Forest Biodiversity) and ASLF Allaire-Essaimons Trees in Redon and Vilaine

9 / 12 : Presentations / discussions with Jacques Hebert and the Eleanor Asselineau The state forest nursery
12: 1:30 p.m. Lunch
: Demonstration of grinding in collaboration with William Condette pruner Tree Assistance
15h : Guided tour of uses on a parcel of RCW CNBF
17h : Pot starting

Rates: 15 euros professionals, individuals 10 euros. Reservation recommended

Contacts: Hervé Le Bouler (DRAF Pays de Loire and CNBF) 02 40 79 72 51 herve.le-ball (at), Tania Sahly 02 40 79 72 53 (Essaimons Trees) tania.sahly (at) Annabelle Gouche (CNBF) 02 40 79 72 50

Tuesday, October 7
Deux Sevres (79) Poitou Charentes

in St Loup Thouet (Center of Educational Cébron)
and Airvault (Room Soulièvres)

Organised by the Centre Socio-Cultural and Val Airvaudais Thouet, the Collective Sylvagraire, the division of Science and Nature Cébron General Council and the Centre for Socio-cultural and Val Airvaudais Thouet in association with Community of communes, the commune of Airvault, members of the collective structures of the future workshops and other partner associations, coordinated by Sylvain Houlier (CC officer Val Thouet and initiator of collective Sylvagraire)

10h / 12h : At the Centre of Educational Cébron St Loup Thouet demonstration, tour and explanations on the ground: "RCW and landscape management. Public work of harvesting, crushing and reuse of branches under the management of a sensitive natural area, with the technical environment and green spaces of the General Council of Deux-Sevres.
12h / 14h : For information: A picnic area is available on the website of Cébron restaurant 5km.
14h / 19h : Screening of documentary, interspersed with time for exchanges and field visits, weather permitting. Topics: Conserve water, landscape and soil - Converging technologies for sustainable agriculture (sustainable) - The trees and hedges countryside, more than a legacy, allies for the future. Movies recorded with the assistance of collective sylvagraire Poitou-Charentes and Limousin.
19:30 / 8:30 p.m. : A Airvault Soulièvres room, welcome drink Biosèvres offered by the association. Multi-thematic exhibitions: the prevention of waste, natural heritage, agricultural production in Poitou-Charentes, RCW and their various uses here and elsewhere ...
20h30 / 23h : Conference Jacques Hebert in the presence of Elea Asselineau

Free admission

Contact: Sylvain Houlier, 05 49 64 86 80, sylvain.houlier (at) or the Tourist Office of Airvault 05 49 70 84 03 office-tourisme-airvaudais (at) wanadoo.f

Wednesday, October 8
Charente (16) Poitou Charentes
Challigna c (Canton Barbezieux)

Coordinated by Marc Anthony and Eliza Deprat Gajewski (directors) and organized by the association's Ark Bagouet

2:30 p.m.: Field visit and presentation agroforestry in the Charente by Philippe Menard (Chamber of Agriculture)
3:30 p.m.: A multipurpose room of Challignac, RCW conference by Jacques Hebert and Eleanor Asselineau
5:30 p.m.: "RCW, a lever to eco-responsibility and solidarity" by Sylvain Houlier.
6:30 p.m.: "The management of differentiated spaces of Angouleme" by Didier Rippe (Director of greenspace in the city hall of Angoulême)
7:00 p.m.: Discussions around a pot offered by the House of Farming the Charente

Free admission

Contacts: 06 11 32 84 30 eliza.gajewski0519 (at) or ma.deprat (at)

Thursday, October 9
Gironde (33) Aquitaine
In Bordeaux (Gardens)

Organized by Jean Paul Collaert for the association Gardens today (social gardens)

9am: Welcome to the Garden Bouhainville (by Bd Alfred Daney, Bacalan district).
10h: Round table on the topic: "Another use of the RCW: RCW pre-composted mulch and Permaculture"
12h: Buffet on-site vegetable garden
2:30 p.m.: Check and visit the Botanical Garden of Bordeaux (La Bastide district, right bank).
15h: Round table: "What the BFI is a solution to reduce watering and weeding"
17h Refreshments herbal tea garden

Free admission

Contact: Jean-Paul Collaert, Writer-Reporter, agricultural engineer and gardener and Les Jardins d'Aujourd'hui, 23 Street, New York 33300 Bordeaux 05 47 29 66 38 ajardinsda (at) paul.collaert-jean (at) . php

Friday 10 and Saturday, October 11
Gers (32) Midi Pyrenees
At Auch (Cuzin room and Park General Council)

Organized by AP32 (Tree and Landscape 32) and the General Council of Gers

Friday 20h: Lectures on Trogne by Canet Alain and Bruno Sirven of AP32 and the BRF with Gilles Domenech Eléa Asselineau and Jacques Hebert Cuzin room within the "universe-cities trees campaign
Saturday from 10am : Workshops / demonstrations and Roundtables Park General Council followed by a cocktail organic!

Free admission

Contact: Alain Canet (Director of the association AP32), 10 Avenue de la Marne, 32000 Auch, 05 December 1969 62 60 a.canet (at) tree and Isabelle (Mission for Sustainable Development and Agenda 21) Planning Branch Planning, Economy and Culture, General Council of Gers 05 62 67 44 43 ichoquer (at)

Partners events
Seve Earth, Earth Humus, AP 32, AFAHC, EVE-Ecocert, J3C Agri, Green Label, Mission Grove, CG Gers Agroof Development and Christophe Fontaine.

All my Congratulations to the organizers who have struggled at the last minute and partners for their trust and support. ..

can look forward to meeting you dear reader, reader!
With my highest aggradation

Eléa Asselineau


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