Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Sukida пенсионер

In memory of the father of RCW

Professor Gilles Lemieux passed away April 29, 2009.
He is the inventor of the terms Ramial Fragmented Wood said RCW.
He devoted much of his life trying to advance research on pedogenesis (soil formation) generated by trees, including the material RCW.

"Strike at the root of evil, to cut the equivalent of a thousand branches" (Henry David Thoreau)
This quotation expresses so well the immeasurable work of Professor Gilles Lemieux ...
What we owe all of us humans in this planet! His name is etched in our memories forever, that he deserved a Nobel prize, he who has given a wonderful name for these small branches saving!
ramial here's a little trite term and so great. The ramifications, whether fungal, plant, mineral or animal are the essence of the balance land. All these veins where the precious liquid travels are the very foundations of life
He has forged a worldwide network splendid fertile to permit humans to realize that the soil is a vital heritage, fragile and alive and that the Wood is essential to its prosperity and that the survival of all living beings.
The foresight, determination, philosophy, wisdom, goodness and greatness of soul that will remain etched in Mr. humanity. Thank you thank you thank you Professor
even absent you're still alive and we are eternally grateful to you ... your work was not in vain and such a majestic tree, your fruits are spread on this poor land so scarred and so ignorant until then!

Eléa Asselineau,
Small student filled with gratitude and hope ... A


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