From November 14 to 19, thirty FMA and Provincial Coordinators of Schools and Vocational Training Centres in Africa and Madagascar, have participated in Yaounde, Cameroon, at a seminar organized by the major in ambito youth ministry and the Commission School of CIAM.
The topic: "To develop and build professionalism Salesian culture in Africa and Madagascar" is in line with previous meetings since 2003 to today in Nairobi and Abidjan, and with the ways of conversion to love given by the last General Chapter.
The seminar was very interesting. ACS, we were eight, representing each PSC in the Province. In the seminar, the focus was, of course, on vocational training courses relevant to the various contexts and in today's market research, integration into the world of work, the self-financing, training leaders and teachers according to a new mentality.
Under the guidance of qualified and encouraging sr. Maria de Carmen Canales, General Counsel of the pastoral and Sr. Elena Rastello, participants brainstormed and worked together to continue the process of training leaders and educators from schools of every order and degree, and vocational training centers in Africa. This training process will result in a systematic route and supporting the family in its educational role irreplaceable.
By rediscovering the history of the origins of the Institute, the FMA of CIAM, reflected on the new opportunities that the world of work offers young people looking for a job and how to be prophetic in this world rapid change.
Parallel to the work, it is beautiful to see the exhibition of products of vocational training centers in each country in Africa attend the meeting. The last evening in a friendly atmosphere, you could visit the booths of sewing, embroidery, crafts ... and buy at nominal prices. We also had time to enjoy the African fashion on billboards and in albums, along with the elegance of some FMA in traditional dress.
The conclusions of the Seminar were drawn from broad lines of action until the next appointment in 2012.
We will work on three points:
• development of a Directions Training
• Identity of the Charter School / Vocational Africa-Madagascar
• re-meaning for Hellenes of Vocational Training at the provincial level and continental level.
With Sr Luisa Moscoso, the Council and the Provincial Coordinating Team, we will consider how to work in our provincial and local reality, taking into account the guidelines adopted as CIAM, because the Institute is asking us paths of communion and convergence in education-evangelization of our schools and PSC.
Sr Laura Gaeta - Coordinator of Provincial Team
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