Sunday, December 5, 2010

Fun Facts About Number 11

Study Day "Perceptions of Nazi Germany in Quebec in the literature and the media from 1933 to Today"

Organized by Robert Dion (UQAM Research Fellow CCEAE) and Hans-Jürgen Lüsebrink (Universität des Saarlandes, associate researcher CCEAE)

the Canadian Centre for German and European Studies (CCEAE)
University of Montreal
3744, rue Jean-Brilliant
Room Lothar Baier (525-6), 5 th floor
Metro Cote-des-Neiges

Thursday, December 9, 2010

The Third Reich is a dark time in German history that has marked many intellectuals and writers since the time of his accession until today. Everywhere in the world, there are countless essays and fictions that come on the facts known and least known of this period. The purpose of this study day is start the inventory and analysis of these traces of German history from the first half of the twentieth century e in intellectual discourse, literature and media in Quebec. Does it here something like a thought and imagination fed Hitler's Germany?

Day Program
10h00: Presentation of the day, Robert and Hans-Jürgen DION Lüsebrink
1st meeting chaired by Michel Lacroix ( University of Quebec at Montreal)

10h15: Hans-Jürgen Lüsebrink, Universität des Saarlandes ;
"The Third Reich, the subject of intellectual discourse: Hitler, Nazism and war in the intellectual journals in Quebec (1933-1947) "

11:00: Carmen Mata BARREIRO, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid
" Memory of Holocaust, look intergenerational postures and writing in Quebec literature of the 2000s: Catherine Shvets and Catherine Mavrikakis "

11:45: Lunch

2 e session chaired by Mr. Yvan LAMONDE (McGill University)

14:00: Robert Dion, University of Quebec at Montreal
"Germany at War fiction : a case study and some previews "

1445: Christoph Vatter, Universität des Saarlandes
Memory of Self, Memory of the Other. Reflections of Nazi Germany in the Quebec film and television "

15:30: Final discussion

For information: Louise-Hélène Filion Filion . Louise-Hélène


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