Saturday, June 28, 2008

Polycystic Fibrosis Ovaries

EMERGENCY FLOOR perdition: the vicious circle ...

Here is a text to ponder the magnitude of the situation and the urgency to meet soils which are the basis of all life on our planet. But contrary to what Daniel Nahon, transgenic plants will never be the solution!

The BRF, agroforestry, trees, mushrooms and not plowing yes fungi provide solutions much more economical, fast and natural.

is up to us to adapt to our environment and not vice versa! Let symbiotic with the elements that surround us, not playing God.

Christiane Galus, correspondent of the World tells us in the newspaper dated June 23, 2008 it is urgent to save the soil and this, through Nahon, a professor of geochemistry at the University Aix-en-Provence.
"soils are exhausted. We are on the brink of the abyss, and if this continues, there will be famines."
And Daniel Nahon to enumerate the causes pollution, pesticides, frenzied urbanization, erosion, deforestation. The litany is long and durable. "Almost a quarter of the usable land in the world, in fact, are already degraded," writes Christiane Galus.

How will we be tomorrow to feed 9 billion land at the dawn of 2050? Faced with what he calls "a real illiteracy, lack of knowledge of the structure and functioning of the soil" Nahon decided to write a book published by Odile Jacob, entitled:
depletion of the earth, the challenge of the XXI century . For it is true, as Christian Valentin, research director at the IRD (Research Institute for Development) , written by Christiane Galus, that "land degradation affects all regions the world ", especially the Sahel and the mountains of Southeast Asia. Without forgetting our beautiful country of France where one learns that "urbanization - cities and roads - alone causes the disappearance of 60 000 hectares of good arable land per year."
The awareness is recent. A scientific consortium Sol was born in 2001, "it aims to make an inventory of land every ten years to observe their development. ... At the same time be made a mapping of soil quality should be completed in 2012. Because in the near future it will sequester carbon, filter water better and recycle waste. An approach that could lead to the rediscovery "of classical solutions to reserve land. Reduce pesticides, to leave behind the debris, studying the landscape for erosion according to relief ...". It does suffice? Not sure seems that Daniel Nahon, which revives a heated debate. He , "we can avoid the use of transgenic plants. Only to allow the crops on arid soil and salt, unfortunately more and more ".
Sonya Faure Liberation became interested in fight against desertification . She questioned Gnacadja , executive secretary of the Desertification Convention of the UN. Unlike the fight against global warming, the soil is not considered a global public good . "The land has a heritage dimension, national, cultural: the relationship we have with it is not the same from one country to another ... "said Luc Gnacadja." In Brussels, the fight against desertification is in development aid, while the warming and biodiversity are, themselves, Environment "added the head to the United Nations. For the scourge of desertification is not just Africans," Spain, Australia, the United States, are now very affected the deterioration of their soils and depletion of resources. "The conclusions of IPCC are clear: desertification exacerbates global warming and this in turn exacerbates desertification .
What then? Nicolas Hulot, who seek to mobilize consciences? as suggested in the interview. There are perhaps better: mount IPCC by 2009 but also get funds, partnerships in order to support the Convention against Desertification. The search looks complicated but indispensable.

Press Review Mission Agrobiosciences of June 23, 2008,
Le Monde, Liberation.


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