This Sunday, October 31, twenty young leaders, girls and boys, old and new, are found in the parish of St. Charles Lwanga for the solemn mass of re-entry ministry, celebrated by the pastor, Abbe Télésphore. During the Eucharistic celebration, at the time of thanksgiving, in turn, each group and movement of the parish appears briefly in order to make themselves known and to invite other youth to get involved, to lend their services according to the teachings received in catechesis and in the heart of Don Bosco.
In fact, to enter the group facilitators - we said Aristide, coordinator of facilitators - you have to be Catholic! And share the values and principles of Salesian spirituality as Salesian Sisters share with us, in times of training and through their lives in our midst.
Facilitator Djelissa, to name all the leaders, up to the altar and spoke casually to a gathering of 70% young, for the first mass is very popular with children and youth catechesis. Djelissa prepared a brief presentation of the group, explaining as facilitators belong to the Salesian Youth Movement come and they undertake throughout the year in leading the Youth Centre "Maria Domenica" Wednesday through Saturday, and Sunday in two sponsorships afternoon.
Indeed, the two assembly points, give children the opportunity to participate in leisure Sunday according to their proximity. So those who live closest to the mission Dominique Marie, are invited to 15.00, in Salesian Sisters. For others, especially those who live in neighborhoods surrounding the Catholic school St Richard, the appointment is within the walls of this school. Some leaders will join more run-of this afternoon, children in this remote area to maintain and supervise them in a spirit of joy and brotherhood. Activities are already planned.
Moreover, this small group of leaders can count on the actual presence of Mr. John Christian, Director of said school. As a Salesian Cooperator, it gives us the keys to the classrooms and what matters more, his real support during leisure hours.
Tonight we meet for drinks and snacks together, in a sign of unity and brotherhood that we want to grow among us and share with those around us.
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