Friday, October 15, 2010

Why Is Lap Band Surgery Not Covered By Ohip

new on the blog

By Sébastien Vincent

This site has existed since January 11, 2010 and currently has more than 75 essays by various contributors .

Since April 18 this year, more than 6,100 visits were recorded and more than 15,700 page views.

fall will bring some novelties.


New release: a section expanding his horizons

In the coming weeks, attention will be given to books on the history of the Second World War, all borders combined. Until now, the site had focused solely on structures having close links with Quebec, Canada and the war 39-45. He obviously continue to monitor the local publishing industry.

This broadening of horizons for books published by European publishers of the French language is intended to better meet the search criteria formulated by several avid readers of books related to the history of the Second World War.

Thus, New Release section present and comment more specifically on certain books published in French by Quebec and European publishers.

This topic is made possible through the collaboration of several publishers from Quebec and Europe.


Category Internet Resources

This new section will feature websites related to the theme.



A page is now devoted to a bibliography available from the menu to the left of the screen.

This bibliography will be regularly updated.

It covers Quebec, Canada and the Second World War.

Some titles have a link that leads either to a review published by one of our staff or to the editor page.

Readers are invited to suggest books by writing to Vincent Sebastian ( ).


the next few weeks, new features added, plus feature articles from our staff.

great fall and enjoy reading !


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