Thursday, February 17, 2011

How To Clean A White/gray G Shock

Pardé occupied in turn sub-boxes

The thirty teachers who had invested Voisin vocational school on Tuesday, did it again today at 17 am 30 still in Bourg, but this time in high school Pardé . The goal: to educate their colleagues and parents' the fire that consumes the National Education now, "says Celine Julliand, teacher at Voisin. " We will be on site shortly before the release of course, if we find doors closed, we will remain at the gate handing out leaflets . The group of "resistant" does not fear the arrival of law enforcement, " the contrary, disclosure by a coup, is all that remains for us to hear . There is no "plan of attack defined, everything will be done on the spur of the moment, but we will not give .
Cause of all this anger, " a race to the bottom of the vocational " based on missing sections of CAP or vocational baccalaureate. Paradoxically, at the same time Tuesday night, stood a round table Ain trades training, aimed to encourage youngsters to integrate sections professionalizing ...

(source: The Progrè , February 17, 2011)


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