Thursday, February 3, 2011

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BENEDICT XVI: authenticity in an age of digital site

Benedict XVI in his message for the 45th World Day of Social Communications to be held on June 5, entitled "Truth, announcement and authenticity of life in the digital age," the pope reflects on the implications of what he calls "a phenomenon characteristic of our time: the expansion of communication through the Internet."

"New technologies do not change not only how to communicate, but communication itself. Arguably we are witnessing a vast cultural transformation. With such a system for disseminating information and knowledge is born a new way of learning and thinking, with unprecedented opportunities to build relationships and to build communion ", said Pope.
But he also warns that "new communication technologies must be harnessed for the good of the whole person and all humanity": "Wisely used, they can help satisfy the desire for meaning, truth and unity which remains the deepest aspiration of the human being ".

It also indicates the" range ":" The bias of the interaction, the tendency to connect only a few aspects of his interior world, the risk of falling into a kind of building self-image that can lead to self indulgence.
The Pope has a special interest in the influence of online social networks on youth, highlighting two important keys: "The issue not only the honesty of the acting staff but also the authenticity of being. "
" In Search of a tie, "friendships" it faces the challenge of being authentic, true to oneself, without succumbing to the illusion of artificially constructed his "profile" public ".


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